I am back in the dye pots today after a weekend of shuffling sheep and cleaning the barn for winter. Angus, our Romney ram who should have been a Romney wether ( long story ) has finally found a great gig on Roque Island. He leaves in October, so I decided to use him with at least two of my ewes maybe three as he has such a classic Romney build and a beautiful fleece, both traits I would like to pass on to my flock.

Before the humidity kicked in last week the heat was perfect for quickly drying freshly dyed yarns, so I took advantage of the suns rays and worked on my supply of yarns for The Common Ground Fair. Over 240 skeins engulfed every inch of my deck, all four drying racks, deck chairs and railings. With kids and hubby off to a weekend fishing derby, I was a free to sprawl my work all over the house!

I am excited to be accepted as a vendor to this year's Common Ground Fair, just not sure what to expect. How much do I bring? Do I need help? Do I camp out or drive home every night? I guess, like everything I do, I'll fly by the seat of my pants and everything will workout. :)

With several shows ahead, I will be in the dye pots all this week. I love dyeing with leaves falling all around. The small amount of knitting I have managed to finish is only a drop in the bucket. I have so many plans for the cozy, beautiful, bulky yarns. In fact I am going to try my hand at a design that has floating around in my head for a few weeks. Stay tuned!
Can't wait to meet you at Common Ground, Kelly! I am planning to take a day off from work to head up on Friday and will be happy to relieve you if you need a little break. Eager to see your wool and hopefully get a skein or two of the babydoll/angora blend if it's still available.
Hahaha! I may take you up on that! The Babydoll Blend is running low, I can set some aside if you like. See you soon.
I think you have the best, luckiest job in the world. I hope to try that someday.
Hi Kelly,
Looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks (yikes!) at CGF. Don't worry about no relief, Leah & I & Michele will be more than happy to help you set up, sell, and clear out. Bring lots, sell lots! We are only 15 min from fairgrounds, you are welcome to stay here, after parties are great! Perfect place for Angus, I was going to mention him to Amy. Alas his face is too fuzzy (cute) for our island. He's gonna love Roque, the pampered island life!
See you soon, Jani
Hey Jani!
Thank you so much for the offers! I may take you up on all of them.:) I'll bring my 13 year old one of the days so I will have some help.:) See you soon!
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