Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Meet Moon Pie!

Our first Olde Babydoll Southdown ram lamb!
Look closely...he has a half black, half white tail!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

We Are In Hobby Farms Magazine!

On a cold February day, a wonderful photographer named Dusty Perin, and her husband visited us to take pictures for the May-June issue of Hobby Farms Magazine. It was during one of this spring's cold snaps and I was shearing the next day...and hoping for warmer temps. She spent a great deal of time taking pictures of my Babydolls and then joined us for tea and cookies to warm up. Joker, my ram was a fairly good boy, though her husband played matador for a few minutes while we picked hay off from the ewes heads to make them look presentable.

In the end, it was Joker and I that made the cut. Thank you Dusty and thank you Hobby Farms Magazine! :)

Lamb #5

Without showing any signs of having her baby, Lucy ate her grain and laid down. A few hours later she delivered a ewe lamb. It has to be the most lively lamb I have ever seen! It is black and has a few tiny little white sprigs of white wool on it's head. We are waiting for it's owner to name her....I think it might be Penelope. :)
In this photo she has dirt on her nose that makes it look white.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My How Fast They Grow

Well, our first two sets of twins are a week old. They are gaining weight, bouncing around the paddock and quite curious! Lucy is close to lambing. The signs are there and she is quite restless. Socks and Annie, our Olde Babydoll Southdowns are both due on the 14th.

It is snowing hard here and I am praying that they wait until this storm is over! :)
Pictured here is my daughter Kathryn holding a fast growing Issabelle. This lamb is a Romney/Babydoll Southdown cross.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Wallace ( black) and Gromit ( speckled) !

10 pounds each! Well done Judy.

Monday, April 02, 2007


After great anticipation ... we have lambs! And it was not Judy who lambed first, but Millie! Two, black, ewe lambs. Isabella ( in the front ) and Fiona ( in the hay) .