Imagine what folks must have thought when this passed them on the highway? Well we certainly got a lot of strange looks. Crammed into almost 350 pounds of wool, my mother, friend Betty Stover, and I hit the road as soon as the kids got on the bus Friday morning headed to VT.
It was a quick trip down, with a stop in Kennebunk to purchase Cushing dyes from the Maine based business. I enjoyed seeing the beautiful hand-hooked rugs created by the talented Joan Moshimer. He artistry was brilliant, her rugs were exquisite. Sadly she has passed away now, but her work lives on for the public to enjoy in books and at this small gallery in Kennebunk.
The next stop was Green Mountain Spinnery, where owner David Ritchie greeted me with the usual laugh and smile. We unloaded the bags, weighed and recorded the blends that he would then spin into yarns for us, took a deep breath, then headed to Nashua N.H.for dinner and a good night's sleep.
I had to get back. The condition of the Queen weighed heavily on my mind. Although she wasn't due for a few days, I had my good friend Dr. Tammy Doughty "on-call" in case anything happened. So far she has held on, looking like a water balloon that was dropped from a few stories up and did not break upon impact, but rather displaced the water to it's sides. Poor thing.
I was lucky enough to catch these shots of Priscilla stalking and attacking the Guinea hen. She is one of the highest jumpers I have ever seen. The Guinea ran back and forth trying to escape the black devil that chased her, then fluffed up her feathers and turned on her attacker! 

The next stop was Green Mountain Spinnery, where owner David Ritchie greeted me with the usual laugh and smile. We unloaded the bags, weighed and recorded the blends that he would then spin into yarns for us, took a deep breath, then headed to Nashua N.H.for dinner and a good night's sleep.

Yesterday, I rototilled the garden and increased the area for more veggies. With a day of rain on the way, I decided not to put down the weed cover and let "mom nature" give the soil a good soaking. Friday I will place the cover and plant. The weatherman tells me that it will be in the 70's by then, and I want to get the planting started before the pesky blackflies arrive and ask me to donate blood.

Surprised, the little lamb ran off the rock wall and straight under my legs! Her mom then ran after the Guinea hen! It was quite the drama that played out in the late afternoon sun.

Today is paperwork day (yuck), but the rain is falling and the wind is blowing, and there is nothing I can do outside. I will take a break at some point to do some felting. I have new pillows to stuff, and a few crocheted hats to finish off. So off I go to get through the dreaded number crunching.
Watch for udpates on Queen Uma. :)