Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February Happenings

I'l be putting a new slideshow together soon!

Kelly ...Where Have You Been????

I know, I know, everyone is asking me ..... have you stopped blogging??? Well no, not exactly ... I just have not had time. So here, in a nutshell is what's been happenin'.

I have been in a knitting mood, working on a few hats, making up the designs as I go. It is fun, easy and a good way to use up odds and ends.

Spinning has been off and on. My latest project is Uma. I have saved three clippings from my Angora Goat, Uma and had it carded into a beautiful soft roving. So far I have spun one 9 oz single-ply skein .... 2 to go.....

The sheep are all enjoying the warm temps, but not the wet weather. Fleeces are ready to come off and will, next Tuesday. Last weekend we moved the bred girls from the front paddock to the back paddock. I have kept the barn floor as clean as possible so that when we set up the lambing pens I won't have months of poo to shovel. :) We are keeping track of the days and to day makes 113 days of pregnancy!!!
I am anxious to set up my vegetable garden this year. I have been reading Elliot Coleman's Four Season Harvest. I bought the book about 4 years ago and planned my garden, but babies and life kept me too busy and over the past few years my tiny garden mostly consisted of tomatoes and cucumbers. This year I am designing a 16X20 fenced in garden. Of course I have plenty of nice compost to use, an ancient but powerful rototiller, and the most perfecrt sunny plot. My only challenge will be keeping Romeo the houdini of goats out!
My daughter Kathryn and I are enjoying the planning process as well as choosing plants from the Johnny's Seed Catalog. She is planning a corner for cut flowers and pumpkins.
Another project I am working on is the schedule of events for the Maine Sheep Breeders Association (MSBA) at this year's Maine Fiber Frolic. We are planning educational discussions about feeding, bio security, and fleece selection. Along with the Fiber Frolic events, the MSBA also has a wonderful line-up of farm tours, shearing schools and of course the ever growing Shepherd school. Visit their website for more information.
Whew! So that's my life up until now, when I have been knocked down with a nasty eye infection. Viral Conjunctivitis in both eyes, a massively swollen face, and now mega-headaches as this virus runs it's course. I am told I should see some relief in a few more days. Hope so....
My next post will be just photos. Enjoy!